47 posts
Apr 1, 2022,
- Update the included Spring framework dependency to the latest version. Previous version contain a version of the Spring framework that is vulnerable to CVE-2022-22965. Currently, we are not aware of any scenario where this vulnerability can be exploited. We still recommend you upgrade to the latest Xima® Formcycle version.
Nov 2, 2021,
Bug fixes
- Form record data is locked during complete processing. The processing lock can be removed in the inbox if needed.
- The backend can be invoked correctly again when URLs are removed in Look & Feel.
- CSS classes in the Default tab in the element properties of the form designer work correctly again.
- Fixed minor bugs in form validation and form copy creation.
Aug 24, 2021,
All information about this and all future versions can be found in the new help for version 7:
Aug 4, 2021,
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the wrong form was selected on the My Forms page under certain circumstances .
- Fixed a bug where disabled repeating form elements did not show the correct value.
May 20, 2021,
- NameIdPolicyFormat & NameIdPolicyAllowCreate parameters are configurable for external users of type SAML 2.0.
- List of supported signature & encryption algorithms extended.
- Plugin authenticators can determine which attribute values are masked.
- Performance improvements when loading form record attributes.
- Forms now have a main landmark.
- Values in parameter lists are trimmed on save (removing spaces at start & end).
- Log level reduced when accessing non-existent appointment templates.
Bug fixes
- Tooltips on form elements are handicapped accessible.
- Login to a frontend server with inbox works correctly again.
- Selection elements no longer lose focus on Enter.
- Fixed an error when sending form invitations and saving them afterwards.
- Fixed a JavaScript error when redisplaying a selection form element with data source.
- Sending invalid form data by hitting Enter in Chrome is prevented.
- Fixed minor UI bugs.
Mar 25, 2021,
Bug fixes
- The target state selected for actions of type State change is displayed correctly in the user interface.
Mar 24, 2021,
- The state of the workflow action "Change state" can now be defined via name/variable.
- Browser autofill behavior can be defined for form elements under "Advanced".
- Plugin widgets can now define how they should be displayed in form exports (Word, PDF).
- Plugin widgets can be used to define new actions for button elements.
- For client protocol entries, the system ID of the relevant entity is also logged.
- Variables provided via plugins can now use the current client for placeholder replacement.
- The system status "Received" is highlighted in the workflow UI.
- The identifier for duplicate records is now only evaluated for new form records.
- Form elements can be displayed with or without borders in form exports (Word, PDF).
- Plugin widgets can define their own attributes.
Bug fixes
- Kerberos/ NTLM settings under the menu item Single sign-on are saved correctly again.
- When duplicating form records, the mapping of form fields to attachments is preserved.
- When saving an External User with an existing name, a more accurate error message appears.
- Keep alive mode is enabled by default for the various publishing options of a form.
- The keep alive URL in forms is correctly determined.
- External users of type "SAML 2.0" can now interpret nested structures in user attributes.
- The maximum password length for mail server settings has been increased.
- Form widget resources are no longer cached by the browser when the widget is refreshed.
- In the table view of a form record in the inbox, the variables are now also displayed.
- Default values of server-side variables are saved to the form record.
- When clearing the identifier fields for duplicate records, the identifier is reset correctly.
- Actions that change the values of form fields of the duplicate record identifier now update it correctly.
- Fixed an error where changing the form title was not saved correctly.
- An error no longer occurs when the font cannot be found in the PDF in the "PDF Fill" action.
- Case sensitivity of file extensions is irrelevant when importing data sources.
- Values of form fields are no longer interpreted as numbers during form record export.
- Missing HTML templates for "One time submission error" are created.
- Fixed an error when evaluating the license features.
- Fixed some UI bugs.
Feb 4, 2021,
- Support requests can have files attached.
- Restarting a frontend server and connecting to a frontend server is now possible via MBean methods.
- Appointment finder elements can now be validated on the server side.
- User groups are evaluated correctly after form login via Kerberos.
- A frontend server connection can be established despite faulty portal plugins.
- Fixed an error where the image preview of uploader elements did not work correctly.
- Correct display of validation errors of the appointment finder.
- The maximum capacity of an appointment slot can no longer be exceeded.
- Display errors for FollowUp labels in the inbox and print have been fixed.
- Performance improvements when opening form records in the form-specific inbox view.
- PDF fill control characters, such as line breaks, are no longer masked.
- Fixed a bug where data sources were not referenced correctly after form import.
- Regular expressions on form elements are validated only if a value is also present.
- Fixed potential security issues.
- Server-side variables are can be used during workflow processing.
- The values of select elements with checkbox, radio button or question representation are saved/loaded correctly on the client side again (e.g. in the offline client).
- Minor UI bugs have been fixed.
Jan 5, 2021,
- Appointment picker: Performance when searching for available dates has been improved significantly.
- Leading zeros are not truncated anymore when exporting a form record as an Excel document in the inbox.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes resulted in form variables not being given a unique ID.
Dec 11, 2020,
- When exporting form records from form specific inbox views, "Column name of the data table" is selected by default for the column names in the Excel document.
- Portalpluginfilter & -servlets funktionieren nun auch bei deaktivierten Cookies.
- Fixed a bug where appointments could not be entered with conditionally hidden appointment finder elements in forms.
- Deleting entries in CSV data sources no longer causes errors in the invitation configuration of forms that use this data source.
- Fixed a bug where the properties area of fieldsets and containers in the form designer was not updated correctly.