Download 6.1.4


  • Under "My data" of LDAP group users the corresponding LDAP groups are now displayed in addition
  • Defective Base64 images are now tried to be printed in corrected form in the action "Word (Fill)" and the method "b64img"
  • The attribute "name" has been removed from the option "Please select" of selection elements within forms


  • Fixed a bug that caused a form inbox link to be incorrectly redirected to the dashboard after login
  • Fixed an error that under certain circumstances prevented the JavaScript area from being displayed in the Designer
  • Fixed an error that caused the values to be written to the wrong columns when exporting into Excel with multiple form versions
  • The cell content of the Excel export is now limited to 32767 characters in order to keep the generated file readable in current Excel versions
  • The Excel export now takes into account the sorting order of the inbox
  • Minor corrections in the user interface
  • Removal of minor security risks
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