Download 6.0.7

To enable a rich set of new features, there are several updates that need to be run when you install the new version. Depending on your server configuration and the database management system, this process may take up to several hours.

Plugins need to be compiled against the new version and tested whether they still work. Plugins provided by XIMA need to be updated when you install the new version.


  • When synchronizing the offline apps, the concrete value of checkboxes and not "true" or "false" will be transferred


  • The printing of a forms via e.g. PhantomJS now displays images for upload elements with activated preview correctly
  • Fixed a bug where old forms (version 5 or earlier) using country-specific languages did not display their translatated values in the corresponding editors of the designer
  • The protocol and exports based on forms now use the title instead of the alias
  • The Excel export now also outputs columns for empty form elements
  • Fixed an error while checking the edit protection of forms


  • The use of data sources and queries (LDAP or DB) via the designated URLs can now be disabled
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