Actions provide certain services or functions such as sending mails or writing an entry to a data base. They can be created by clicking the "New action" button   inside a state.

Every action consists at least of a:

  • Name: The name has to be unique.
  • Description: The description is optional.

Generally speaking, there are two differents kinds of actions.

File providing actions

These actions create files or make files on the file system available so that they can be used by other actions requiring a file, such as sending a mail with an attachment. The following providing actions exist:

Processing actions

These actions either process files provided by file providing actions or provide other services such as redirecting the user to another URL.

The following processing actions are available:

Plugin action

New actions can be added through plugins. These actions may be providing or processing actions.

For plugin developers: The description that will be shown can be changed by implementing the interfaceIDescriptionProvidingPlugin.

For plugin developers: A list of available parameters can be shown by implementing the interface IPluginConfigParamList

This allows you to define the names of available parameters and prevent mistyped parameter names. It also allows you to group the parameters and makrs them as either input or output parameters.


Deprecated actions only exist for backwards compatibility. Please avoid using deprecated actions.

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