Blog - Release Note - posts for April 2020
Apr 29, 2020,
- External users
- The new external users enable new methods of form authentication. Thus, login options can now be configured via SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect, Google or Facebook. Existing authentication configurations of forms will be kept (e.g. authentication via NTLM, Kerberos, FORMCYCLE or form password). The new user variables [%$USER%], [%$LAST_USER%] and [%$INITIAL_USER%] as well as the XFC-METADATA object XFC_METADATA.user can be used to access information of the logged in users.
- Highlighting outdated JavaScript symbols and migration via the interface
- Outdated JavaScript symbols are crossed out in the JavaScript area of the designer. The editor also provides an easy way to migrate these symbols (for example, XFC-METADATA.currentUser).
- Technical fields can be shown/hidden in the inbox configuration of forms.
- "Please select" can be switched on or off for select elements as required
- The FORMCYCLE version number is displayed in the server information.
- The number of existing clients is displayed in the license information.
- New parameter in the processing of the POST request action allows the form field aliases to be used instead of the form field names.
- Multiple values are transferred as individual values when processing the POST-Request action in accordance with the HTTP standard.
- Form placeholders can optionally be displayed in the PDF or WORD export file of a form.
- If desired, text areas can automatically adjust their size to the content.
- If desired, the number of remaining characters can be displayed for text areas.
- Within database queries (SQL data sources), placeholders can be used.
- Internationalization of plugins: Display name and description of a plugin can be provided for different languages.
- Parameters of processing plugins can have a display name that differs from the technical name.
- Fine granular role rights for display, filtering and export in the inbox.
- Copied processes receive a valid UUID as process ID.
- An error is displayed when trying to access a process that no longer exists.
- The font size of the mail content of the "Email" action is specified in "pt" by default.
- The placeholders for processing results are also replaced if they return a value of zero or an empty string.
- The technical fields ID, subject and inbox of cases can now also be exported to Excel/XML documents.
Bug fixes
- When exporting configured inbox views, only the displayed columns are exported.
- The inbox filters "Edited by me" & "Created by me" also work for logged in LDAP users.
- Inboxes used in action processing are correctly assigned during form import.
- Dynamic containers/fieldsets are repeated during PDF/WORD export as often as the set maximum number of repetitions of the container/fieldset.
- When logging in to the form, an assignment to an LDAP user via the LDAP user groups is attempted if the LDAP user is deactivated.
- Fixed error during validation of date fields.
- Corrected minor interface errors.
Apr 3, 2020,
- Correction of errors that may have prevented the inbox from being usable on a frontend server
- The Word/PDF file of the project export is now in DIN A4
- Correction of an error when saving the action "Save in file system" if no action was selected
- Minor bug fixing of the UI