Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [null]. Click on this message for details.
The configuration dialog Access with various settings for permissions and the form's availability.

The dialog for editing the access and availability configurations of a form (see figure) can be opened by clicking the Access button in the form menu.

General settings


The online checkbox lets you switch the form on-/offline. When set to offline, the form cannot be viewed or submitted. Use this for example when you wish to perform maintenance operations.

  • Availability window
    This lets you limit the form's availability to a certain time range. When the form is not available, it can neither be viewed nor submitted. When no limit is set for available from and Available until, no restriction applies.

  • Frontend server
    By default the form can be accessed on the master server. The form may be made available on a frontend server as well, if one has been configured for the client. If no frontend server is selected the form is only accessible on the master server.

Form login

Dieser Konfigurationsbereich ermöglicht es verschiedene Methoden zur Verfügung zu stellen, mit denen sich Benutzer am Formular anmelden können bzw. müssen. Auf Informationen des angemeldeten Benutzers kann innerhalb des Formulars & der Status- und Aktionsverarbeitung per Benutzerplatzhalter zugrgriffen werden.
Werden in diesem Bereich keine Einstellungen vorgenommen, so ist das Formular öffentlich und kann von jedem Anwender ohne Anmeldung aufgerufen werden.

Authentifikatoren (Externe Benutzer)
Hier können konfigurierte Externe Benutzer, System-, NTLM oder Kerberos-Anmeldungen aktiviert werden. Die gewählten Anmeldemethoden stehen beim Formularaufruf zur Verfügung.
Formularaufruf beschränken
Nur die Benutzer der ausgewählten Gruppe haben Zugriff auf das Formular. Diese Beschränkung gilt nur für Benutzer, die sich per Systemanmeldung, NTLM oder Kerberos am Formular angemeldet haben. Ist keine Benutzergruppe ausgewählt, so gibt es keine Beschränkung für diese Anmeldungstypen.
Um den Zugang zum Formular zu beschränken, kann zudem ein Formularpasswort angegeben werden.
Ohne Login
Sollen Anwender auch ohne eine Anmeldung auf das Formular zugreifen können, muss diese Checkbox aktiviert sein. Diese Option steht nur zur Verfügung, wenn eine der oberen Optionen zur Anmeldung aktiviert ist.

Administrative protection

Client administrators can always edit the form, regardless of their user group.

This section lets you configure which users are allowed access to the forms. It consists of two parts:

Only editable by
Here you can choose which user groups may access the Xima® Formcycle Designer and the change the settings in the configuration pages available from the form menu. When no user groups are selected, all users of the client are allowed to make changes to the form's configuration.
Only visible for
Here you can choose which user groups can see the form on the form overview page. When a user is allowed to edit the form, they can see it even if not explicitly configured by this setting. When no user groups are selected, all users of the client can see the form.

Data protection

When the option anonymize is activated, the user name of the user who submitted the form is not logged in the system's protocol.

One-time submission ID

Some forms may only be sent once per user or mail address. This forms allows you to configure an ID template that should contain variables, so that submitted forms with the same generated ID as already existing form records are rejected.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [null]. Click on this message for details.
The error message displayed when attempting to submit a form with the same one-time submission ID twice. Customize this error message by editing the corresponding HTML system template “One-time submission error”.

Assuming a form contains an input field tfMail, the following one-time submission ID can be used to limit form submissions to distinct mail addresses.


Every time a form is submitted, the one-time submission ID is generated from the value of the input field tfMail. If there exists a form record with this ID already, the submission is rejected and an error message is displayed. This error message can be customized by editing the HTML system template One-time submission error.

Available variables are form value variables and template variables.

In case the generated one-time submission ID is empty after all variables were replaced, the check is skipped and the form submission is not rejected. It is recommended you mark all form fields for the one-time submission ID as required.

The one-time submission ID must not be longer than 1024 characters. If possible, set a length restriction on the corresponding form fields in the Xima® Formcycle Designer.

When changing the one-time submission ID template, you can update all existing form records with the button to the top left. In case this result in duplicate IDs, the update process is aborted and all conflicting form records are shown. If the ID template is empty and an update is performed, all existing IDs are removed.

Settings per state

These settings can be configured separately for each state.

Unregistered review

When this option is enabled, form records with this state may be viewed by anonymous users, assuming they have got a link to the form with the process ID.

When this option is disabled, users need to sign in in order to gain access to form records.

Delete form records

Whether a form record with this state can be deleted in the inbox.

Tags: Online Offline
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