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gru 6.3 1 {{figure image="import_xml_en.png" clear="h1"}}
2 User interface for configuring the options of an action of type //Set form fields from XML//.
gru 1.1 3 {{/figure}}
gru 6.3 5 Actions of type //Set form fields form XML// can be used to fill form fields with data from an XML document. This makes use of [[XPaths>>url:http://www.w3schools.com/xml/]] to [[select>>url:https://www.tutorialspoint.com/xml/]] a value from the XML document.
gru 1.1 7 == Parameter ==
gru 6.3 9 ; XML source
10 : A previous action providing the XML document to be used.
11 ; Select XSL template
12 : An optional XSL transform applied to the XML document.
13 ; Values to be set (Set XPath)
14 : In the table, specific values from the XML document can be set for form elements.
15 :; Field name
16 :: Name of the form element to be changed.
gru 6.1 17 :; XPath
gru 6.3 18 :: XPath for selecting a value of the XML document. The value of the form field will be set to this value.
gru 1.1 19
gru 6.3 20 == Example ==
gru 1.1 21
gru 6.3 22 To illustrate how this action works, consider the following XML:
gru 1.1 23
24 {{code language="XML"}}
25 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
26 <xfc-data xfc-version="4.5.2" generation-date="2017-01-09 11:23:43.190 MEZ">
27 <processes>
28 <process process-uid="f1e677ad-012d-4586-884b-ac2ee029cb00" creation-date="2017-01-09 11:23:43.0 MEZ" project-name="XML" status="">
29 <form version="1">
30 <field name="upl1">
31 <plainValue><![CDATA[]]></plainValue>
32 <values count="0"/>
33 <label><![CDATA[]]></label>
34 </field>
35 <field name="tf1">
36 <plainValue><![CDATA[foobar]]></plainValue>
37 <values count="1">
38 <value index="0"><![CDATA[foobar]]></value>
39 </values>
40 <label><![CDATA[]]></label>
41 </field>
42 <field name="xf-action">
43 <plainValue><![CDATA[btnPrev]]></plainValue>
44 <values count="1">
45 <value index="0"><![CDATA[btnPrev]]></value>
46 </values>
47 <label><![CDATA[]]></label>
48 </field>
49 </form>
50 </process>
51 </processes>
52 </xfc-data>
53 {{/code}}
gru 6.3 55 To select the value of the field named //tf1//, use this XPath:
gru 1.1 56
57 {{code language="XPath"}}
58 //processes//field[@name="tf1"]/plainValue/text()
59 {{/code}}
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