Available options for the the action Export (XML file). This action lets you export the submitted form data as an XML file.

Actions of type Export (XML) allow you to export the data of a form record as XML. By using an optional XSL template, the format of the exported XML file can be modified as well.

Export meta data 6.1.0+ 

Optionally, you may also include the following fields in the export:

Process ID
Process ID of the form record.
Name of the state the form record is in at the time of export.
Date of receipt
Date the form record was submitted or created.
Modification date
Date of last change to the form record.
Form variables
Export a list of all form variables an their values.
Control fields
Control fields of the form such as xf-action, which holds the name of the button used for submitting the form.
Meta data
Date of export and the used Xima® Formcycle version.

Storage options for the created files

Output file name
The file name of the created XML file.
Attach file to form record
If this option is selected, files created in this action will be attached to the form record. Otherwise, they are only available for other actions within the workflow processing in the same state.
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