
This feature can create a Word or PDF document from a form. Word documents created from this feature can be used for the action Word-Fill in the forms' workflow. The export file can be saved as a form ressource.  

The selection form elements contained in the export can be made in Xima® Formcycle Designer for each form element individually. 


Form export

This option allows downloading and instant viewing of the form export.


You can choose from .pdf, .doc and.docx


Selection of the language in which the from should be exported. 


As a default, no template is used and the form export will be made in a new file. If you want to include the export in a specific, existing document, choose this as a template. The source of the template (client or form ressources) has to be chosen first. Then, the specific file can be selected. If nothing is configured further, the form export will be added to the end of the template document. The exact position of the form export can be configured by using the placeholder variable INSERT_FORM 

Further processing

By using this option, the form export can be processed internally by saving it as a form resource.

Save as form resource

Needs to be activated, if this option is requested. .

File name

Name of the file that will be created

Override existing resource

Determines if existing form resources with the same name should be overridden or not. If not activated and a file with the same name is present in form resources, this export file name will be extended to allow unique form resource file names.

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