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1 {{figure image="system_plugins_en.png"}}
2 User interface for managing system plugin. These plugins are available to all clients of the system.
3 {{/figure}}
5 You can add custom functionality to {{formcycle/}} by uploading custom plugins written in Java on the system plugin management page.
7 Contrary to client plugin, system plugins are available to all client. Uploading system plugin works similarly to client plugins see, see the [[help pages on client plugins>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Client.Plugins]] for further instructions.
9 {{warning}}
10 When a plugin with the same name exists for a client, it takes priority and will be used instead of the system plugin.
11 {{/warning}}
13 {{panel title="Client plugins" fullwidth="true" initial="hidden" triggerable="true"}}
14 {{include context="NEW" document="Formcycle.UserInterface.Client.Plugins"/}}
15 {{/panel}}
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