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1 {{version major="6" minor="4" patch="0"/}} This feature is subject to costs and available from {{formcycle/}} version 6.4 onwards. It allows the usage of external identity providers for the authentication of users in {{formcycle/}} forms.
4 {{content/}}
6 {{figure image="identity_provider_en.png" clear="h1"}}Configuration interface while adding a new Identity Provider.{{/figure}}
8 It is possible to configure identity providers here, which can be used to authenticate users in all forms of all [[clients>>doc:Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.Clients]]. If an identity provider is only supposed to be available in certain clients, it can be configured in the [[User settings>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.ExternalUsers.WebHome]] instead.
10 == Create new Identity Provider ==
12 By clicking on the {{ficon name="plus-circle-outline"/}} button in the upper left corner, a new Identity Provider can be created. At first 4 buttons appear, by which the type of identity provider must be selected. The following types of Identity Providers are available:
14 * [[OpenID Connect>>Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.ExternalUsers.openid]]
15 * [[SAML 2.0>>Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.ExternalUsers.saml]]
16 * [[Facebook>>Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.ExternalUsers.facebook]]
17 * [[Google>>]]
19 The individual options for configuring these identity providers are described in detail on the linked subpages.
21 == Delete existing Identity Provider ==
23 After an entry has been selected in the list of identity providers, it is deleted by pressing the {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} button and confirming the dialog that opens.
25 == Use data of the logged in user in forms ==
27 The user data returned upon login can be used, among other things, to fill form fields. For this purpose, the placeholders [[[%$USER%]>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Variables.WebHome||anchor="sec_user_variables"]], [[[%$LAST_USER%]>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Variables.WebHome||anchor="sec_user_variables"]] and [[[%$INITIAL_USER%]>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Variables.WebHome||anchor="sec_user_variables"]] can be set as values in form elements. Alternatively, this data can be accessed in JavaScript through the XFC METADATA object {{jsdoc page="metadata" name="user"/}}.
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