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awa 2.2 1 The file //kerberos.properties// stores several settings related to Kerberos authentification.
gru 1.1 2
awa 2.3 3 You should [[edit these settings via the user interface>>doc:Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.SingleSignOn.WebHome]]. Please note that some of these properties are stored encrypted.
gru 1.1 4
5 {{table dataTypeAlpha="0-1-2" preSort="0-asc" caption="Settings regarding Kerberos authentification"}}
6 |= Property|= Default value|= Encrypted|= Explanation
7 |use.kerberos|false|no|Whether Kerberos authentication is activated.
8 |kerberos.fs.sync|false|no|When activated, all changes to the configuration will be sent to all available {{fserver number="plural"/}}.
gru 2.4 9 |ldap.search.use.clientconnection|false|no|Which connection settings are to be used for establishing a connection to the LDAP server (for searching for available users). When to to {{code language="none"}}false{{/code}}, the connection settings as configured in the [[Kerberos settings>>doc:Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.SingleSignOn.WebHome]] are used. Otherwise, the connection settings as configured in the [[client menu>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.Client.WebHome]] are used.
gru 1.1 10 |ldap.search.account|(empty string)|yes|The LDAP account used to access the active directory in order to search for available users.
11 |ldap.search.account.pwd|(empty string)|yes|Password for the LDAP account used to access the active directory in order to search for available users.
12 |ldap.search.ssl|false|no|Whether SSL is used for the connection to the LDAP server.
13 |ldap.search.dc|(empty string)|yes|Fully qualified name to the LDAP server.
14 |ldap.search.port|389|yes|The port for the connection to the LDAP server.
gru 2.4 15 |ldap.search.hop.count|5|no|The maximum number of referral hops that may be performed on the LDAP server. Setting this to {{code language="none"}}0{{/code}} deactivates referral hops and no references will be followed.
gru 1.1 16 |ldap.search.basedn|(empty string)|yes|The LDAP base DN (distinguished name) used for looking up available user accounts.
17 {{/table}}
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