User interface for editing actions of type Export (Persistence).

Actions of type export (persistence) allow you to export the data of a form record, i.e. the data that has been submitted with the form. With a little bit of Javascript code, the exported data can be imported again later. This way it becomes possible to save form record data locally and restore it from a local backup. Filling form fields with data stored in an XML file is also possible via the actions of type Import form values from XML.


  • Output file name
    The name for the export file.
  • Attach file to form record
    Determines whether the generated output file should be attached to the operation.

Importing form data from a persistence file

When you open a form and the form contains a non-empty upload field named fcp_persistence, or some other upload field contains a file whose file name without the extension is  fcp-persistence, form fields are pre-filled with the data form the persistence file.

The following example code makes it possible to realize this process with a button. The target of the form is set to its own URL when it is sent and all input fields except the upload field are deactivated. Subsequently, a submit of the form is executed which loads the contents of the file.

$('BUTTON[name="btnLoad"]').on('click', function(){
    $('.xm-form').attr('action', window.location);
    $('.xm-form input').not('[name=fcp_persistence]').attr('disabled', "disabled");
    $('.xm-form textarea').attr('disabled', "disabled");
    $('.xm-form select').attr('disabled', "disabled");
$('[xn="fcp_persistence"] .img-uploaded-preview').visible(false);

You may also download an example form illustrating this process and how to setup the workflow.

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