HTML templates are used by actions of type response page and can be displayed to the user after a form has been submitted.

Initially several system templates are available, which are created automatically when a new client is created. They cannot be deleted. See also error messages.

HTML system templates are mainly used for system messages such as informing the user about error during login etc. Their content can be changed as required.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [null]. Click on this message for details.

Available templates

The following system templates are available.

  • Authentication failed
    The login was not successful.
  • Authorization failed
    The authorization was not successful.
  • Authorization required
    If the requested form is verified and the current user is not signed in, this text block will be displayed.
  • Bad Request
    A wrong data type or a faulty request was sent to the server.
  • BOT detected
    An attempt was made to send data illegal (e.g. trough automated bots).
  • Data not found
    The requested data set could not be found. This crops up, when you try to open an established process with the wrong process ID.
  • Double opt-in email sent
    The form data has been successfully submitted and an e-mail with the opt-in confirmation link will be sent.
  • Double opt-in verification failed
    The opt-in was not successful (e.g. because the opt-in link was not called within the specified time period).
  • Double opt-in verification successful
    The opt-in was successful.
  • File upload size exceeded
    The files sent by the user exceed the maximum allowed total size.
  • General Error
    Possible error message while opening or sending the form.
  • Information
    Contains the information of the system, which are gained via the button information.
  • Invalid Data
    The sent form data are invalid. Wrong form data were sent to the server.
  • Invalid double-POST
    The form data sent is invalid because it has already been sent to the server.
  • One time submission error
    The form data could not be submitted because the field defined as the unique identifier has the same value as in an already received form (e.g. the same e-mail address is used).
  • Participation password or login required
    To access the form, entering a password or logging in as a user is required.
  • Participation password required
    A password must be entered to access the form.
  • Resource not found
    The requested resources could not be found, possibly because of a wrong or incomplete link.
  • Resource offline
    The requested resource is not online (yet).
  • Sending Failed
    The form data could not be submitted.
  • Submission successful
    The form data was submitted successfully.

Resetting templates

System templates can be reset to their initial content by clicking on the corresponding Reset button. All changes will be lost!

Internationalization of HTML templates

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [null]. Click on this message for details.
The Source button opens the editor. The contents of the templates for the individual languages are defined in separate elements with a lang attribute with the abbreviation of the language as value.

The system templates contain an English and a German version of the corresponding message as standard. Internationalization is achieved using lang attributes attached to certain HTML elements. 

After selecting one of the existing end pages, you can view its structure by clicking on the Source button. In the editor window that opens you can see that the individual languages are always available in a separate <div> element with the language as attribute (e.g. <div lang="en">). More languages can be easily added by adding another <div>- element with the corresponding language abbreviation in the lang attribute on the same level as the existing languages and then inserting the desired content for that language into it.

Note that the entire content of the template will be displayed if the language used to submit a form does not match any of the defined languages.

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