Standard inbox with predefined columns

Form specific inbox with customizable columns

TODO: new in inbox dialog

  • Default inbox
    All forms that have been submitted are put as form records in the inbox. If this setting has not been changed, all form records will be put into the system inbox Standard inbox. This option allows you to change the inbox.

The standard inbox contains form records of different forms always shows certain fixed columns, ie. project ID, form record ID, process ID, date of submission, date of most recent change, and state. Form records may also be viewed in their own form-specific inbox with customizable columns.

Database table

After a form has been submitted, all submitted data will be stored in a database table of the system. For the standard inbox, the system will generate the view with the columns available, which may depend on the user's permissions, the form's state and the inbox.

For the form specific inbox, the system dynamically creates one more database tables for each form. It contains the custom columns as configured for each form.

Standard inbox.

For form specific inboxes, the system stores a separate table with the inbox configuration.

Configuring form specific inboxes

Open the form and go to the section inbox.

The list on the right hand side shows all form fields available for the current version of the form. The list on the left hand side shows all columns that will be shown in the custom inbox for this form. Use the buttons between the two lists to move form fields between the two lists.

Column alias

An alias can be set for form field in the list on the left hand side by clicking on the edit icon. When an alias has been set, it will be used as the column name of instead of the form field's name.

Reinitialise inbox

This will read the current inbox settings and recreate the dynamically created database table. This makes it possible to change view of the custom inbox at any time.

This button is available only after a custom inbox has been saved at least once.

Created by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:58
Translated into en by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:58
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