From version < 9.1 >
edited by nlo
on 08.04.2019, 17:00
To version < 6.1 >
edited by nlo
on 08.04.2019, 15:15
< >
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,50 +1,37 @@
1 -The Menu entry "My Forms" will navigate the user to the form overview. On this page the forms may be filtered, configured or published.
1 += TODO: Englische Version =
2 2  
3 -== Structure ==
3 +Diese Seite muss in deutsch und englisch vollkommen neu erstellt werden, da sie sich in der V6 auf den neuen Punkt "Meine Formulare" bezieht.
4 4  
5 -{{figure image="form_menu_en.png" width="300"}}
6 -Form in card view with opened [[form menu>>||anchor="form_menu"]].
7 -{{/figure}}
8 -The default view of the form overview page is the card view. Forms may alse be displayed in a list view. By clicking the buttons {{ficon name="view-sequential"/}}/{{ficon name="view-module"/}} in the header the view can be changed. The header also contains an input field for searching forms as well as a button which will open the filter panel to the right. If you have added forms to a group, the forms will be grouped accordingly in the overview. Individual groups can be toggled in the filter menu to the right.
9 -The default view shows every form as a card. These cards consist of a thumbnail of the form, a button for quick access to the [[{{designer /}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]], a button for [[opening>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] the form as well as a button for opening the [[form menu>>||anchor="form_menu"]]. The button at upper right corner of the card shows how many (unread) [[form records>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] have been submitted. Clicking that button will bring you to the [[inbox>>doc:Formcycle.Inbox.WebHome]] where the form records have been filtered by that form.
10 -In the card view as well as in the list view there is an entry at the top for [[Creating new forms>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.BasicActions.WebHome]].
5 +Vorschlag für die Gliederung:
11 11  
12 -== Form menu ==
7 +* Erklärung der Formularübersichtsseite (Aufbau, Formular erstellen, Gruppen, usw.)
8 +* Direkt vorhandene Optionen der einzelnen Formulare (Designer, Öffnen, Vorgänge, Burger-Menü)
9 +* Übersichtliste über Funktionen der Burger-Menüs, welche dann in den Unterseiten beschrieben werden:
13 13  
14 -{{id name="form_menu"/}}
15 -The form menu gives access to the various functions of the form. From access to the [[{{designer /}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]] to [[Publishing the form>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Publish.WebHome]] and everything in between like configuring the [[processing workflow>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.WorkflowProcessing.WebHome]]. In the list view the form menu will appear by hovering over a form. In the card view the form menu is accessed by clicking the menu button at the card.
11 +{{subpagesalpha title="Inhalte der Burger-Menüs" float="none"/}}
16 16  
17 -=== Contents of the form menu ===
13 +* **Delete**
14 +The //delete// button {{ficon name="trash-alt2" /}} deletes the form. Once the form has been delete a recovery of the form or its data is not possible.
18 18  
19 -* {{ficon name="square-edit-outline"/}} **[[Designer>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]]**
20 -* {{ficon name="play1"/}} **[[Open>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]]**
21 -* {{ficon name="share-variant"/}} **[[Publish>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Publish.WebHome]]**
22 -* {{ficon name="workflow-fill"/}} **[[Workflow>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.WorkflowProcessing.WebHome]]**
23 -* {{ficon name="group"/}} **Add to group**
24 -Allows to asign a group to the form. Form groups may be used for organizing forms.
25 -* {{icon name="save"/}} **[[Filse>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Files.WebHome]]**
26 -* {{ficon name="user-doi"/}} **[[Double-Opt-In>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DoubleOptIn.WebHome]]**
27 -* {{ficon name="user"/}} **[[Access>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access.WebHome]]**
28 -* {{ficon name="inbox"/}} **[[Inbox>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]]**
29 -* {{ficon name="layout-table"/}} **[[Data tables>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DataTables.WebHome]]**
30 -* {{ficon name="clock-outline"/}} **[[Versions>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Versions.WebHome]]**
31 -* {{ficon name="information-outline"/}} **Info**
32 -Shows a dialog containing the following information about the form:
33 -** //Title//: Form title. Can be changed inside the [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]].
34 -** //Form group//
35 -** //System ID//: Internal ID of the form.
36 -** //Created//: The [[user>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]] that created the form.
37 -** //Geändert von//: Der [[Benutzer>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]], der das Formular zuletzt geändert hat.
38 -** //Geändert am//: Der Zeitpunkt, an dem das Formular zuletzt geändert wurde.
39 -** //Vorgänge//: Anzahl der ungelesen [[Vorgänge>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] und Gesamtanzahl aller Vorgänge des Formulars.
40 -** //Vorschau//: [[Vorschaulink>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] zum Formular.
41 -** //Öffnen//: [[Link>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] zum Formular.
42 -** //Beschreibung//: Formularbeschreibung. Kann im [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]] angepasst werden.
43 -* {{icon name="download"/}} **[[Exportieren>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Export.WebHome]]**
44 -* {{icon name="copy"/}} **[[Kopie>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Copy.WebHome]]**
45 -* {{ficon name="file-document"/}} **Als Template speichern**
46 -Legt eine Vorlage basierend auf diesem Formular an. Vorlagen können beim [[Erstellen von Formualren>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.BasicActions.WebHome]] verwendet werden.
47 -* {{ficon name="shredder"/}} **Vorgänge löschen**
48 -Löscht alle mit diesem Formular erfassten [[Vorgänge>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]]. Dieser Vorgang is unwiderruflich.
49 -* {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} **Löschen**
50 -Löscht das Formular. Eine Wiederherstellung ist nach dem Löschen nicht mehr möglich.
16 += Alter Seiteninhalt zum Vergleich: =
17 +
18 +The forms module contains all settings for a form. A form can be selected from the main navigation menu.
19 +
20 +=== Quick switcher ===
21 +
22 +{{figure image="038En.png"/}}
23 +
24 +To switch between the multiple settings pages of a form quickly, the quick switcher can be used.
25 +
26 +{{velocity}}
27 +#panelheader($msg.get("core.viewers.information.children"))
28 +#set($query="where doc.parent='${doc.web}.${}'")
29 +#set($results = false)
30 +#set($results = $xwiki.searchDocuments($query, 10, 0))
31 +#set($first = true)
32 +#foreach($docname in $results)
33 +#set($rdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($docname).getTranslatedDocument())
34 +[[$rdoc.getDisplayTitle()>>$rdoc.fullName]]
35 +#end
36 +#panelfooter()
37 +{{/velocity}}
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