From version < 8.1 >
edited by nlo
on 08.04.2019, 16:43
To version < 14.1
edited by awa
on 10.01.2020, 13:06
Change comment: Renamed back-links.



Page properties
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1 -The Menu entry "My Forms" will navigate the user to the form overview. On this page the forms may be filtered, configured or published.
1 +{{figure image="form_overview_en.png" width="300" clear="global"}}
2 +By default, the forms will be displayed as cards.
3 +{{/figure}}
2 2  
5 +{{figure image="form_overview_paging_en.png" clear="global"}}
6 +When you have created many forms, they are displayed across multiple pages. This improves performance and reduces loading times.
7 +{{/figure}}
8 +
9 +The menu entry //My Forms// contains the form overview page. This is the main page for working with forms. It lets your create new forms, delete old forms and edit existing forms. To find a form more easily, you can also search form forms by name or use one of the available filters.
10 +
3 3  == Structure ==
4 4  
5 -{{figure image="form_menu_en.png" width="300"}}
6 -Form in card view with opened [[form menu>>||anchor="form_menu"]].
7 -{{/figure}}
8 -The default view of the form overview page is the card view. Forms may alse be displayed in a list view. By clicking the buttons {{ficon name="view-sequential"/}}/{{ficon name="view-module"/}} in the header the view can be changed. The header also contains an input field for searching forms as well as a button which will open the filter panel to the right. If you have added forms to a group, the forms will be grouped accordingly in the overview. Individual groups can be toggled in the filter menu to the right.
9 -The default view shows every form as a card. These cards consist of a thumbnail of the form, a button for quick access to the [[{{designer /}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]], a button for [[opening>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] the form as well as a button for opening the [[form menu>>||anchor="form_menu"]]. The button at upper right corner of the card shows how many (unread) [[form records>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] have been submitted.
13 +The default view of the form overview page is the card view. Forms may also be displayed in a list view. By clicking the buttons {{ficon name="view-sequential"/}}/{{ficon name="view-module"/}} in the header at the top right, you can toggle the view between the card and list view. The header also contains an input field for searching forms, as well as a button which will open the filter panel to the right. If you have added forms to a group, the forms will be grouped accordingly in the overview. Individual groups can be shown or hidden in the filter menu to the right.
10 10  
11 -Ein Klick auf die Schaltfläche bringt Sie in den [[Posteingang>>doc:Formcycle.Inbox.WebHome]] mit einem Filter auf dieses Formular.
12 -Sowohl in der Kachel- als auch in der Listenansicht finden Sie ganz oben einen Eintrag zum [[Erstellen einen Formulars>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.BasicActions.WebHome]].
15 +Once you have created a certain amount of forms, they are not displayed all at once anymore. By default, you will see 25 form on each page. You can also change how many forms are displayed per page in the menu bar to the bottom.
13 13  
14 -== Formularmenü ==
17 +The default view shows every form as a card. These cards consist of a thumbnail of the form, a button for quick access to the [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]], a button for [[opening>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] the form, as well as a button for opening the [[form menu>>||anchor="form_menu"]]. The button at the upper right corner of a card shows how many (unread) [[form records>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] have been submitted. Clicking that button will open the [[inbox>>doc:Formcycle.Inbox.WebHome]] and show all submitted form records for that form.
15 15  
16 -{{id name="form_menu"/}}
19 +To [[create a new form>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.BasicActions.WebHome]], click on the card or button to the top left.
17 17  
18 -Das Formularmenü ermöglicht den Zugriff auf unterschiedliche Formularfunktionalitäten vom Zugriff auf den [[Formulardesigner>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]] über die [[Status- und Aktionsverarbeitung>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.WorkflowProcessing.WebHome]] bis hin zum [[Veröffentlichen des Formulars>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Publish.WebHome]]. Das Formularmenü erscheint in der Listenansicht beim Hover über einem Formular. In der Kachelansicht können Sie das Formularmenü über einen Klick auf den Menübutton am Formular öffnen.
21 +== Form menu ==
19 19  
20 -=== Inhalte des Formularmenüs ===
23 +{{figure image="form_menu_en.png" width="300"}}
24 +Form in card view with an opened [[form menu>>||anchor="form_menu"]].
25 +{{/figure}}
21 21  
22 -* {{ficon name="square-edit-outline"/}} **[[Designer>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]]**
23 -* {{ficon name="play1"/}} **[[Öffnen>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]]**
24 -* {{ficon name="share-variant"/}} **[[Veröffentlichen>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Publish.WebHome]]**
25 -* {{ficon name="workflow-fill"/}} **[[Verarbeitung>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.WorkflowProcessing.WebHome]]**
26 -* {{ficon name="group"/}} **Formulargruppe**
27 -Erlaubt es das Formular einer Gruppe zuzuweisen. Aktuell wird nur die Suche nach Formulargruppen unterstützt.
28 -* {{icon name="save"/}} **[[Dateien>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Files.WebHome]]**
29 -* {{ficon name="user-doi"/}} **[[Double-Opt-In>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DoubleOptIn.WebHome]]**
30 -* {{ficon name="user"/}} **[[Zugriff>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access.WebHome]]**
31 -* {{ficon name="inbox"/}} **[[Postfach>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]]**
32 -* {{ficon name="layout-table"/}} **[[Datentabellen>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DataTables.WebHome]]**
33 -* {{ficon name="clock-outline"/}} **[[Versionen>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Versions.WebHome]]**
34 -* {{ficon name="information-outline"/}} **Info**
35 -Zeigt einen Dialog mit folgenden Informationen über das Formular:
36 -** //Titel//: Formulartitel. Kann im [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]] angepasst werden.
37 -** //Formulargruppe//
38 -** //System-ID//: Interne ID des Formulars.
39 -** //Erstellt von//: Der [[Benutzer>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]], der das Formular erstellt hat.
40 -** //Geändert von//: Der [[Benutzer>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]], der das Formular zuletzt geändert hat.
41 -** //Geändert am//: Der Zeitpunkt, an dem das Formular zuletzt geändert wurde.
42 -** //Vorgänge//: Anzahl der ungelesen [[Vorgänge>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] und Gesamtanzahl aller Vorgänge des Formulars.
43 -** //Vorschau//: [[Vorschaulink>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] zum Formular.
44 -** //Öffnen//: [[Link>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] zum Formular.
45 -** //Beschreibung//: Formularbeschreibung. Kann im [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]] angepasst werden.
46 -* {{icon name="download"/}} **[[Exportieren>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Export.WebHome]]**
47 -* {{icon name="copy"/}} **[[Kopie>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Copy.WebHome]]**
48 -* {{ficon name="file-document"/}} **Als Template speichern**
49 -Legt eine Vorlage basierend auf diesem Formular an. Vorlagen können beim [[Erstellen von Formualren>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.BasicActions.WebHome]] verwendet werden.
50 -* {{ficon name="shredder"/}} **Vorgänge löschen**
51 -Löscht alle mit diesem Formular erfassten [[Vorgänge>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]]. Dieser Vorgang is unwiderruflich.
52 -* {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}} **Löschen**
53 -Löscht das Formular. Eine Wiederherstellung ist nach dem Löschen nicht mehr möglich.
27 +{{id name="form_menu"/}}
28 +
29 +The form menu contains several options for editing the form and its workflow, exporting the form, or embedding the form in your web page:
30 +
31 +; {{ficon name="square-edit-outline"/}}[[Designer>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]]
32 +: Opens the form in the {{designer/}} and lets you edit the form.
33 +; {{ficon name="play1"/}}[[Open>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]]
34 +: Opens the form in a new browser tab.
35 +; {{ficon name="share-variant"/}}[[Publish>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Publish.WebHome]]
36 +: Lets you embed the form in your web page. This opens a dialog that lets you choose between several different embedding options.
37 +; {{ficon name="workflow-fill"/}}[[Workflow>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.WorkflowProcessing.WebHome]]
38 +: Lets you configure how submitted data is processed. For example, you can send emails automatically or redirect the user to another page.
39 +; {{ficon name="group"/}}Add to group
40 +: Allows to asign a group to the form. Form groups may be used for organizing forms.
41 +; {{icon name="save"/}} [[File>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Files.WebHome]]
42 +: Lets you manage the files that belong to the current form. You can upload, delete, edit, or rename form resource files. This includes, for example, CSS and JavaScript files, fonts and images.
43 +; {{ficon name="user-doi"/}}[[Double-Opt-In>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DoubleOptIn.WebHome]]
44 +: According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), the explicit consent of a user is required when you wish to process their personal data. The double opt-in offers the opportunity to obtain such a declaration of consent.
45 +; {{ficon name="user"/}}[[Access>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Access.WebHome]]
46 +: Lets you configure serveral access settings, such as if and when the form is available online, which users may edit the form and whether the form should be protected by a password.
47 +; {{ficon name="inbox"/}}[[Inbox>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Inbox.WebHome]]
48 +: Lets you choose the default inbox for the current form. You can also select the form fields that should be displayed in the inbox.
49 +; {{ficon name="layout-table"/}}[[Data tables>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.DataTables.WebHome]]
50 +: Lets you create a custom table in the database with the submitted form data. This makes it easier for third-party system to access the data.
51 +; {{ficon name="clock-outline"/}}[[Versions>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Versions.WebHome]]
52 +: Lets you manage the form versions. You can create new form versions or change the active form version.
53 +: {{ficon name="information-outline"/}}Info
54 +: Shows a dialog containing the following information about the form:
55 +:; Title
56 +:: Form title. Can be changed inside the [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]].
57 +:; Form group
58 +:: Lets you assign the form to a group. This helps you to organize your forms.
59 +:; System ID
60 +:: Internal ID of the form.
61 +:; Created by
62 +:: The [[user>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]] that created the form.
63 +:; Created
64 +:: The point in time the form was created.
65 +:; Changed by
66 +:: The [[user>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.UserSettings.User.WebHome]] that last changed the form.
67 +:; Changed
68 +:: The point in time the form was last changed.
69 +:; Form records
70 +:: Number of unread and total [[form records>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] of the form.
71 +:; Preview
72 +:: [[Preview link>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] to the form.
73 +:; Open
74 +:: [[Link>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Open.WebHome]] to the form.
75 +:; Description
76 +:: Form description. Can be changed in the [[{{designer/}}>>doc:Formcycle.FormDesigner.WebHome]].
77 +; {{icon name="download"/}} [[Export>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Export.WebHome]]
78 +: Open a sub menu with various different export options
79 +:; [[Form export>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Export.Form]]
80 +:: Export the entire form configuration as a ZIP file. You can import an exported form into this or another {{formcycle/}} system.
81 +:; [[Word / PDF export>>doc:.Export.Blank]]
82 +:: {{version major="6" minor="2"/}} Export a blank form as a Word or PDF document. One common use case is that it lets you print the form and fill it out manually.
83 +:; [[Summary>>doc:.Export.Summary]]
84 +:: {{version major="6" minor="2"/}} Creates a PDF document with some information about the form, such as the form elements it conaints and the workflow configuration.
85 +; {{icon name="copy"/}} [[Copy>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Copy.WebHome]]
86 +: Creates a copy of the form.
87 +; {{icon name="refresh"/}} [[Update>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.Update.WebHome]]
88 +: {{version major="6" minor="2"/}} Lets you choose an exported form file (ZIP file). Updates the current form with the selected data from the uploaded form.
89 +; {{ficon name="file-document"/}}Save as template
90 +: Saves the current form as template. You can then [[create new forms>>doc:Formcycle.UserInterface.MyForms.BasicActions.WebHome]] based on that template.
91 +; {{ficon name="shredder"/}}Delete process data
92 +: Deletes all [[form recods>>doc:Terminology.WebHome||anchor="form_record"]] that have been submitted for this form. This cannot be undone.
93 +; {{ficon name="trash-alt2"/}}Delete
94 +: Deletes the form. This cannot be undone.
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