]LDAP connections similar to DB connections are about the definition of one ore more accesses to corresponding external systems. LDAP connections are therefor explicitly conceived for the use in LDAP requests and describe the data of an Active-Direcory or LDAP server.

Creating an LDAP connection

  • Open the module "LDAP connections" and click the button "new".
  • Allocate a various alias and an optional decription.
  • For the LDAP connection itself, the following data is necessary:
    • Server: Name or IP adresse of the LDAP server
    • Port: Communication port of the LDAP server
    • Entry per page (Paging): Indicates how many entries of the LDAP server are expected. A value of 0 disables this and all values of the server are expected
    • Max. referrals-hops: Indicates the maximum amount of implemented referrals hops on the LDAP server. A value of 0 disables the consequences of reprimands 
    • SSL coding: Indicates, if the transport can/shall be executed with the LDAP server via SSL.
    • user name: Name of the user for the login to the LDAP server.
    • Password: Password of the user for the login to the LDAP server.
  • After creating the connection, it appears in the left part (list) of the connection.

Before saving you have the possibility to check the entered data. The button "check connection" verifies, if a connection to the LDAP server was set up successfully. If no connection was set up, an error message will be displayed. Than maybe approach the corresponding administrator.

Delete an LDAP connection

A connection can only be deleted, if it is not longer referenced by an LDAP request. At this you actuate at appropriated selection of the connection, the delete button and affirm the appearing demand subsequently.

Created by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:57
Translated into en by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:57
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