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awa 9.2 1 {{figure image="1_en_Dashboard.png" width="700"/}}
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awa 9.2 3 The home page of {{formcycle/}} that shows up when signing in.
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awa 9.2 5 Here you will find a dashboard that, in addition to direct links to the most important actions, also contains a small statistic with the most important usage info for the current client. You can also [[create system messages>>doc:Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.SystemMessages.WebHome]] that are displayed to all users. This can be used, for example, to inform your users about a planned server restart or downtime.
7 Finally, custom dashboard may be installed via plugins. If a custom dashboard is installed, you can select the dashboard to be used in the [[roles menu>>doc:.UserSettings.Roles]].
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