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XIMA Admin 23.1 1 {{figure float="right" image="start_en.png" width="530" title="The user interface of FORMCYCLE V6" alt="The user interface of FORMCYCLE V6" clear="h2"}}
2 Dashboard of the user interface of FORMCYCLE in version 6.
gru 9.23 3 {{/figure}}
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gru 13.7 7 {{info}}
XIMA Admin 23.1 8 Depending on the system configuration, user permission and license not all options are available on this page.
gru 13.7 9 {{/info}}
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XIMA Admin 23.1 11 == Top bar ==
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XIMA Admin 23.1 13 In the top bar there are buttons on the right side for displaying past messages ,logging out and accessing the user menu.
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XIMA Admin 23.1 15 {{figure float="right" image="start_user_menu_en.png" width="290" title="The user interface of FORMCYCLE V6" alt="The user interface of FORMCYCLE V6" clear="h2"}}
16 Top bar with visible user menu
gru 13.6 17 {{/figure}}
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XIMA Admin 23.1 19 === Log out button and user menu ===
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XIMA Admin 23.1 21 The user menu opens up while hovering over the log out button with the cursor. Inside the menu the name of the current user and client is displayed. Clicking the user name will open the user settings. Depending on the user permissions the displayed client name has several functions. In the default case it does not have any functionality. Users with administration permission can access the client settings by clicking the client name. The super administrator of systems with multiple clients can switch between clients and system settings by clicking the client name.
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XIMA Admin 23.1 23 {{figure float="right" image="start_msg_en.png" width="290" title="Diplaying past messages" alt="Diplaying past messages" clear="h2"}}
24 Opened list of past messages of this session
gru 9.23 25 {{/figure}}
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XIMA Admin 23.1 27 === Displaying past messages ===
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XIMA Admin 23.1 29 Clicking the {{ficon name="comment-outline"/}} button shows a list of past messages of this session.
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XIMA Admin 23.1 31 == Main menu ==
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XIMA Admin 23.1 33 On the right hand side of the screen users can find the main menu which used for accessing all settings, properties and functionalities of FORMCYCLE. Clicking a menu entry opens up the corresponding page. A detailed description of all the pages can be found on the individual help pages.
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XIMA Admin 23.1 35 {{subpagesalpha title="Main navigation"/}}
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XIMA Admin 23.1 37 == Feedback und help ==
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XIMA Admin 23.1 39 In the bottom left corner of the screen users can find the help menu. It is used for accessing this Wiki and the FAQ as well as for sending feedback to the FORMCYCLE team and getting support.
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