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awa 3.2 1 The file //database.properties// stores several settings related to the database, such as the login credentials.
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gru 3.1 3 You should [[edit database related settings via the user interface>>doc:Formcycle.SystemSettings.UserInterface.Database]]. Please note that some of these properties are stored encrypted.
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5 {{table dataTypeAlpha="0-1-2" preSort="0-asc" caption="Settings regarding the database connection"}}
6 |= Property|= Default value|=Encrypted|= Explanation
7 |db.connection.login.password|-|yes|Password for accessing the database.
8 |db.connection.login.username|-|yes|User name for accessing the database.
9 |db.connection.jdbcurl|-|no|The [[JDBC connection URL>>http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jdbc-4_1-mrel-spec/jdbc4.1-fr-spec.pdf]] to the database.
10 |db.connection.connnections.max|50|no|The maximum size that the connection pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections.
gru 3.3 11 |db.connection.connnections.timeout|200|no|The maximum amount of time in seconds that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the connection pool. A value of {{code language="none"}}0{{/code}} means that idle connections are never removed from the pool. Otherwise, the minimum allowed value is 10.
12 |db.connection.connnections.unreturned.timeout|0|no|The maximum lifetime in milliseconds of a connection in the connection pool. A value of {{code language="none"}}0{{/code}} indicates no maximum lifetime. However, the {{code language="none"}}db.connection.connnections.timeout{{/code}} setting still applies.
13 |db.connection.connnections.leakdetection_threshold|0|no|The amount of time in milliseconds that a connection can be out of the connection pool before a message is logged indicating a possible connection leak. A value of {{code language="none"}}0{{/code}} means that leak detection is disabled. Lowest acceptable value for enabling leak detection is {{code language="none"}}2000{{/code}}.
14 |db.connection.dbms.shortname|-|no|The type of database management system. Possible values are {{code language="none"}}mysql{{/code}} (MySQL), {{code language="none"}}oracle{{/code}} (Oracle), {{code language="none"}}postgresql{{/code}} (PostgreSQL), {{code language="none"}}sqlserver{{/code}} (SQLServer), and {{code language="none"}}h2db{{/code}} (H2 Server).
gru 1.1 15 {{/table}}
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