The constraints panel contains options to check the value of form fields, when form fields should be visible and when they can be edited. Some constraints are available only for some element, see the list of element..


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A form field can be made a required field, requiring the user to enter something or select an option.
hidden ifHides the form fieldm when a certain conditions is satisfied.
visible ifMakes a form field that has been hidden visible again, when a certain condition is satisfied.
read-only ifLocks a form field and disallows any input, when a certain condition is satisfied.
editable ifMake a form field that has been set to read-only editable again, when a certain condition is satisfied.
requiredWhen this option is activated, a value must be entered for the form field.
required ifMarks a form field as a required field, when a certain condition is satisfied.
required groupAvailable only when the form field is a required field. Specifies the required group the form field should belong to. When two or more form fields belong to the same group, at least one of these form fields needs to be filled out, all other fields may remain empty.


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Any condition referring to the value of a form element of type selection uses the value of the option for testing the condition, that has been given to that option in the column value in the values properties panel of the Xima® Formcycle Designer.

You can change a form field's visibility and read-only state depending on the value of another form element. The following conditions are available for the options hidden if, visible if, read-only if, editable if, and required if:

  • has a value
  • equals
  • not equals
  • lower than
  • lower equal than
  • greater than
  • greater equal than
  • between
  • regular expression

You can also select elements with the element picker to the right. Click on the hand-shaped icon and then on the element you would like to use. This comes in handy when editing forms with many form fields.

has a value

The conditions evaluates to true when the value of the form field is not empty.

In particular, having a value mean the following for different form elements:

  • for a checkbox, that the checkbox is not checked.
  • for a selection, that some option other than Please select an option has been selected. When the selection field is displayed as a combo box, the first option will be selected by default, unless the selection is a required field, in which case the option Please select an option will be selected by default.
  • for an input field, that at least one character has been entered.
equalsThe condition evaluates to true when the value of the form field equals the given value. Comparisons are case-sensitive.
unequalThe condition evaluates to true when the value of the form field does not equal the given value. Comparisons are case-sensitive.
lower than / lower or equal thanThe condition evaluates to true when the value is lower (or equal) than the specified value.
greater than / greater or equal thanThe condition evaluates to true when the value is greater (or equal) than the specified value.
betweenThe condition evaluates to true when the value is between the specified range, inclusively. The interval must be entered with a dash delete, for example 2-10. Negative numbers must be enclosed in parentheses, eg. (-10) - (- 5).
regexpThe condition evaluates to true when the value matches the specified regexp.

Empty automatically

For the properties hidden if and read-only if, you may choose whether the form field should be emptied automatically when it gets hidden or locked.

For example, consider the case of entering an address. The user can choose between a physical address and a post-office box, and only one input field is visible depending on the user's choice. When the form is submitted, a value should be send only for one of both fields. By selecting the empty automatically options, the input field post-office box will be cleared automatically when the user selects a physical address.

When emptying an element, all sub elements will be emptied as well. This applies to form elements of type page, container, and fieldset.

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