User interface for changing basic properties of a form field, such as its name or its width.

The base properties name, width and hidden can be set for each form field.

Base properties

nameName of the form field. Only letters and numbers may be used.
aliasAn alternative name for the form element, which may contain any characters. See below.
widthWidth of the form, relative to the width of other form fields on the same row. For example, when placing two form fields next to each, giving both a width of 2 means that both will take 50% of the available width. Setting the width of the first form field to 1, and the width of the second one to 3 results in the first one taking 25% of the available width, and the second one taking 75%. 
hiddenWhen checked, the form field will be hidden initially. To show it again, the option visible if can be used, or a Javascript function such as  visible()
disabledWhen checked, the content of the form field cannot be edited.


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