The administration surface of the forms created by Xima® Formcycle is divided into different modules. . By means of the role management, it is determined which modules and functionalities are available for users in this role.

Permissions for the Xima® Formcycle

Permissions for the Xima® Formcycle Designer

Initially, the following two roles are available.

  • Inbox manager
    This role is only assigned to the inbox module.

  • Client administrator
    In this role, all modules and functions are available.

Creating a new role

Creating a new role in Xima® Formcycle

A new role is created in the main navigation panel under the item user management   role. Enter a name for the role and then select the modulest to which the  user, in this role, may have access.

Depending on the module, there is a choice of additionally available functions, which can also be selected individually. Only modules or features that have been enabled, are available to the user with this role.

Delete this role

A role can only be deleted if it is not being used any more by any user.

Tags: Berechtigung
Created by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:59
Translated into en by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:59
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