This function is available starting with Xima® Formcycle version 6.2.0.

This feature allows creation of form records and e.g. email invitation of persons to fill out this form. Data, including email adresses for the invitation, can be uploaded under data as a .csv file.
The datasource with all information that should be used can be selected in the invitation dialog. The number of invitations which can simultaniously be created depends on the license. 


After starting the process of inviting persons, a form record is produced for every row in the datasource. The form is prefilled if wanted (see configuration) and a target status for the created form can be set (see configuration). Each Email adress receives  a link to the for itself created form, if email sending is activated (see conifguration). Based on this link, the receiver can edit or send the form record. 


An uploaded datasource in .csv format is required to use the invitation feature. It is recommended to use headers. The invitation can be configured via multiple required and optional settings. The dialog is divided into four parts: 


Datasource (.csv)
All datasources of this mandant are listed here. The datasource which should be used can be selected here. 
From (row)
The invitation process will begin from this row in the datasource.
Number of entries
This defines the number of entries which are used for the invitation process and consequently the number of form records that are created. The maximum number is dependent on the license. 

Email configuration

Activates the sending of emails to the content of the defined column of email adresses in the invitation process. 
Column of e-mail adresses
All headers of each column in the datasource are displayed here. The column that contains email adresses should be selected here. The emails are sent to the content of this column. 
Email from
Specifies the sender address of the invitation email.
Sender name
Specifies the name of the sender of the double opt-in email.
Specifies the subject of the invitation email.
The text of invitation email. This should contain the (prefilled) form link. The form link is available via the variables [%$FORM_INVITE_LINK%]

Prefill form

Activates prefilling of form elements during the invitation process. 
Datamapping table
The form can optionally be prefilled with e.g. data from the datasource. If this option is active, a table with the mapping of form elements and columns of the datasource will appear. The first column of this table lists all form elements that can be filled. This column can be searched for specific form elements. In the second column, the content which will be prefilled can be specified. There are also placeholder which are dependent on the datasource which are replaced with the content of the specific column. These placeholders are available under über [%$data.COLUMNNAME%] for datasources with header or [%$data.col1%] for the first column of datasources without header. The third column of the datamapping table contains the button to edit that row and by clicking on the button of the last row, the mapping is deleted. If no value is specified in the second column, the form element will not be prefilled. 

Target status

Activates to set a specific status to a generated form record. 
Set target status
All status that are defined for this form are listed here and one of them must be selected.
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