Blog - posts for Mai 2021
May 20, 2021,
- NameIdPolicyFormat & NameIdPolicyAllowCreate parameters are configurable for external users of type SAML 2.0.
- List of supported signature & encryption algorithms extended.
- Plugin authenticators can determine which attribute values are masked.
- Performance improvements when loading form record attributes.
- Forms now have a main landmark.
- Values in parameter lists are trimmed on save (removing spaces at start & end).
- Log level reduced when accessing non-existent appointment templates.
Bug fixes
- Tooltips on form elements are handicapped accessible.
- Login to a frontend server with inbox works correctly again.
- Selection elements no longer lose focus on Enter.
- Fixed an error when sending form invitations and saving them afterwards.
- Fixed a JavaScript error when redisplaying a selection form element with data source.
- Sending invalid form data by hitting Enter in Chrome is prevented.
- Fixed minor UI bugs.